@Mariusthvdb wrote:
having used
binary_sensor: - platform: template sensors: ha_update_available: friendly_name: 'Ha update available' value_template: > {% set latest = states('sensor.ha_current_version') %} {{ latest != 'unavailable' and latest != states('sensor.ha_local_version') and 'b' not in latest}}
for ages, with underlying sensors:
- platform: rest name: Ha current version resource: https://www.home-assistant.io/version.json value_template: > {{ value_json.current_version }} json_attributes: # - current_version - release_date - release_notes - release_notes_path - release_title - release_description - patch_version_notes - root_url - semantic_version
- platform: version name: Ha local version
I now have a positive flag an update is available while I have 103.2 installed and the current version still shows 103.1 (which is of course incorrect)
Not sure if I can do this so let me ask if we need to change the
latest != states('sensor.ha_local_version')
in the template to
latest >= states('sensor.ha_local_version')
it would still give an erroneous outcome if the latest points to in incorrect version, as it does at the moment. It would however be more to the point, and not simply check if the available and installed version are equal or not…
I know we shouldn’t treat strings as numbers but in this case I wouldn’t know how else to proceed, without stripping, splitting and |int’ing the lot…
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