@roberreiter wrote:
I have a KNX-group 4/0/9 “Wind-Alarm” with an MDT Jal-0810 actor.
Since I don’t have any KNX wind sensor device yet, that measures the true wind, I just requested the wind-data from the local weather data provider, which is currently good enough.So the entity “sensor.local_wind_speed” delivers the current wind-speed in km/h
I want to forward an alarm-value with binary-value “true” to the KNX wind alarm group, if the wind exceeds 60 km/h.
The actor is waiting for a signal at least every 3 minutes or less. Otherwise wind-alarm is automatically set to true.
Therefore I want also to forward a signal “false” every 1 minute to the alarm-group, to inform the group, that the measurement-device still works but values are ok.I don’t figure out how to set something like this up in home assistant.
Tried a lot around and did some search, but I don’t really figure out how to work with the templates, conditionals and triggers yet.Here is one of my trials (of course there are a lot of errors, but I’m missing any clue):
alias: "Windalarm" ''trigger: ''''platform: time_pattern ''''''minutes: "/1" ''action: ''''service: knx.send ''''''address: '4/0/9' ''''''type: 'binary' ''''''condition: template ''''''value_template: '{{states('sensor.local_wind_speed') > 60}}'
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