@MsbS wrote:
I started setting up my HAss.IO and I seem to be making steady progress. But I would also like to replicate some of the behaviour of my Domoticz install (so I can then remove the Domoticz platform altogether). I know there is plenty of documentation, and I am happy to dig through it & experiment, but if you folks could just help me where to look (point me in the right direction) it’d be super-helpful.
- In Domoticz I used quite a few custom (dummy) switches for automating some tasks. For example: I have a bash script getting me descriptive weather and forecast from DarkSky and putting it in Domoticz, which I then use in a daily weather summary that I email to me. From what I read so far, the Command Line Switches are the way to go?
- I have some LUA scripts in Domoticz. Nothing fancy, but things like weekday morning radio alarm ‘If it is Mon-Fri, and the RadioAlarm dummy swtich is On, at 6:30 switch on LMS player in bathroom, if it is 8:40 switch it off’. Can I set up things like that (triggered by combination of time + switch status) in plain HA, or do I need something else? I know there are things like MQTT and NodeRED, but I had no experience. Again - if you give me a keyword, I will read up and google on my own
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