@Juergen wrote:
I do get only one value from my mqtt topic.
I am using the rtl2mqtt to seperate the values. Let’s imagin from mqtt I do get on topic
sensor/rtl_433/Fine Offset Electronics WH1080/WH3080 Weather Station/101/direction_degthe special value of an angle.
112now I created a sensor:
- platform: mqtt state_topic: 'sensor/rtl_433/Fine Offset Electronics WH1080/WH3080 Weather Station/101/direction_deg' name: 'Wind Direction' unit_of_measurement: ''
this is showing me the value. Now I wanna do a campare
value_template: >- {% set wd = value_json | int %} {% if wd <= 11 or wd > 348 %}North {% elif wd >11 and wd <=34 %}North North East {% elif wd >34 and wd <=56 %}North East {% elif wd >56 and wd <=79 %}East North East {% elif wd >79 and wd <=101 %}East {% elif wd >101 and wd <=124 %}East South East {% elif wd >124 and wd <=146 %}South East {% elif wd >146 and wd <=169 %}South South East {% elif wd >169 and wd <=191 %}South {% elif wd >191 and wd <=214 %}South South West {% elif wd >214 and wd <=236 %}South West {% elif wd >236 and wd <=259 %}West South West {% elif wd >259 and wd <=281 %}West {% elif wd >281 and wd <=304 %}West North West {% elif wd >304 and wd <=326 %}West North West {% elif wd >326 and wd <=348 %}North North West
what I do see is a "unknown"state. I know how to work with attributes, but here I do not hav one. How can I get this value
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