@tillykeats wrote:
I downloaded HA today on a Pi3 with a bespoke MQTT client from here: https://github.com/gpbenton/engMQTTClient
Installing the MQTT Broker addon, I can read/set TRV with ID 8008. I have 10 other TRVs each with their unique ID but I dont want to have to create a config for each one.
Is there a cleaver config way to do this?
What I want to do is create a single “generic/template” for an Energenie eTRV and “instantiate” this for the 11 TRV physical devices in my home. I want to avoid having to duplicate all the effort to set up 11 TRVs when in fact I want all the same command and report topics (ref. that GitHub link above) - where the only aspect that will change is the eTRV ID. So somehow I’d need to pass the ID of the TRV , somehow.MQTT Commands tree at /energenie/eTRV/Command/(command-as-below)/(device-id)
Command Payload Comment Temperature 4-30 (Ascii) Set Target Temperature Identify None Makes the MIH0013 flash Exercise None Causes Valve to go up and down. Creates Diagnostic when finished. Voltage None MIH0013 reports battery Voltage Diagnostics None Causes MIH0013 to report diagnostics ValveState “0”, “1” or “2” (ascii) 0=Set Valve Open 1=Closed 2=Normal Operation PowerMode “0”, “1” 0=Low Power Mode off 1=On ReportingInterval 300-3600 (ascii) Set the Reporting Interval (not tested) MQTT States tree at /energenie/eTRV/Report/(report-command-as-below)/(device-id):
Report Payload Comment Temperature Ascii string Measured Temperature in degrees Centigrade TargetTemperature Ascii String Target Temperature set Diagnostics 2 bytes byte 0 = low byte, 1 = high byte Voltage Ascii String Reported Battery Voltage So in other words, I want to define a single sensor “template” for a “template/generic” TRV , with (if possible) one set of topics I want to publish/subscribe to, ; and finally based on this , I want to create the 11 items to represent the physical TRVs in the home. I might need to rework how I do this but you get the idea?
p.s. I am a total newbie at this so please explain the solution - Ive read OH documents on Things and MQTT but clearly not capable of getting further with this.
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