@mlefevre wrote:
I have been using MQTT switches for while now with Tasmota running on Sonoff Basic modules. Lately, I’ve noticed that switch changes made in Home Assistant don’t seem to get acknowledged by the switch. At least, that’s what I assume this means:
This is my switch configuration:
- platform: mqtt name: "Switch 1" command_topic: "cmnd/sonoff10/power" state_topic: "stat/sonoff10/POWER" availability_topic: "tele/sonoff10/LWT" payload_available: "Online" payload_not_available: "Offline" qos: 1 optimistic: false payload_on: "ON" payload_off: "OFF" retain: true icon: mdi:current-dc
I can use mosquitto_sub to watch MQTT messages to and from the Sonoff and I see this when I turn the switch off:
cmnd/sonoff10/power OFF stat/sonoff10/RESULT {"POWER":"OFF"} stat/sonoff10/LOGGING 16:08:28 MQT: stat/sonoff10/RESULT = {"POWER":"OFF"} stat/sonoff10/POWER OFF stat/sonoff10/LOGGING 16:08:28 MQT: stat/sonoff10/POWER = OFF
How do I debug this? I set the logger default to debug but I could not learn anything from the logs. As far as HA is concerned, everything seems fine. That is, there are no errors. Is it possible that HA is not subscribing to the topics I refer to in my configuration? Can I look at those subscriptions while HA is running?
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