@millercentral wrote:
I wonder if anyone with any JSON-based web API integration experience for HA might consider creating an integration for the TeslaFi.com website API documented here: https://teslafi.com/api.php
The API itself seems very simple - it returns a json blob with a bunch of data related to your vehicle, and can issue a few basic commands to the car.
Why is this interesting if there is already a Tesla car API integration? Two reasons: (1) the API returns not only car data, but some additional data derived by TeslaFi.com that is interesting, and more importantly (2) TeslaFi.com has some very good polling algorithms that when setup correctly don’t get in the way of the car sleeping or excessively drain the battery. Conversely, the existing Tesla integration seems to poll the car indiscriminately every 300 seconds (or what you set the poll interval to be) which can have a big impact on sleep states/battery.
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