@tescophil wrote:
OK, So i was new to themes until today. I enabled themes within my configuration.yaml and then used the HACS to install a bunch of themes. I switch between themes my going onto my user profile page and selecting a theme from the dropdown.
I found a dark theme that I like, so decided to setup a simple input_boolean to switch between dark and default themes using an automation:
- id: change-to-dark-theme alias: "Switch to Dark theme" trigger: - platform: state entity_id: - input_boolean.enable_dark_mode to: 'on' action: - service: frontend.set_theme data: name: slate - id: change-to-light-theme alias: "Switch to Light theme" trigger: - platform: state entity_id: - input_boolean.enable_dark_mode to: 'off' action: - service: frontend.set_theme data: name: default
However, switching themes with the automation only changes the theme on the Lovelace cards, and not the entire UI i.e. The background, top and side menu bars still use the old theme.
So, is this a bug or a feature ? What I want the automation to do is have the same effect on the UI as when I select the theme under my Profile.
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