@Argo wrote:
Hello! Today I opened up Home Assistant app and see red issue “could not connect to the server”
I tried to open it locally and everything is fine. Duckdns works
tried to restart add-on and that did not help. Restart of Home Assistant did not help too.How should I fix that?
In logs I can see couple z-wave lines like:
Z-Wave node 3 not ready after 30 seconds, continuing anyway
And what I don’t know what it is:
Fri Feb 07 2020 07:23:38 GMT+0300 (Москва, стандартное время) Error doing job: Task exception was never retrieved Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/entity_platform.py", line 415, in _async_add_entity raise HomeAssistantError(msg) homeassistant.exceptions.HomeAssistantError: Entity id already exists: automation.themes_enable_night_theme. Platform automation does not generate unique IDs
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