@Neofitos wrote:
I need this auto, when windows are open, and the NESt if is ON ( heating), else turn off or reduce the tem, in this example is reduce to 18ºC.
I need other auto, if the windows is closed else resume for the last temp programed in the NESt , is possible?
- id: '1581282368116' alias: Nest Open Widnows description: '' trigger: - minutes: /3 platform: time_pattern condition: - condition: state entity_id: climate.hallway_thermostat state: heat - condition: state entity_id: binary_sensor.ventana_despax state: 'on' - condition: state entity_id: binary_sensor.ventana_cocina state: 'on' action: - data: temperature: 18 entity_id: climate.hallway_thermostat service: climate.set_temperature
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