@cmartens wrote:
Hi all,
This is my first post after 4 days working with HASSIO (latest version 105) on a Raspberry 4 under Docker. I have tried to add some platforms to my configuration.yaml (see below). However, only the Underground platform is working. The other two platforms are not generating new entities. What can I do to solve this issue? I have spend multiple hours to look on the internet and forum, but this has not solved my issue. In the screenshot below, I have removed the api keys. Thanks in advance for your help.
# Configure a default setup of Home Assistant (frontend, api, etc) default_config: # Uncomment this if you are using SSL/TLS, running in Docker container, etc. # http: # base_url: example.duckdns.org:8123 # Text to speech tts: - platform: google_translate group: !include groups.yaml automation: !include automations.yaml script: !include scripts.yaml scene: !include scenes.yaml zwave: usb_path: /dev/ttyACM0 sensor: - platform: systemmonitor resources: - type: memory_use_percent - type: processor_use - type: disk_use_percent arg: /config - platform: darksky api_key: xxx monitored_conditions: - visibility - platform: wundergroundpws api_key: xxx pws_id: xxx monitored_conditions: - humidity - temp - dewpt - heatIndex - windChill - precipRate - precipTotal - pressure - windGust - windSpeed - temp_high_1d - temp_low_1d - wind_1d - precip_1d - precip_chance_1d - winddir - uv - solarRadiation
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