@matthewjporter wrote:
Can anyone tell me what I cannot see is wrong in my actionalble notification setup
Background: I want to be able to send out a notification to everyone in the household, we use iOS devices, and ask if they want a bath tonight. If they answer yes, then water heater will be put on “boost” by turning on the boost switch, if no, then it does nothing - No is linked to a dummy switch so people actually have to choose
Simple - well, you would think so. Anyway, I have the automations all working and can manually trigger in home assistant
The iOS notification happen when they are supposed to @ 5pm and I get the actionable notification on my iPhone with “Yes” or “No”
What does not happen is fire off the automation when I click “Yes”
My automations are:
- alias: Bath Tonight - iOS Notification initial_state: true trigger: - platform: time at: '17:00:00' action: service: notify.ios_mjpiphonex data: message: "Do you want a bath tonight?" data: push: badge: 0 category: 'doyouwantabath' - alias: "Bath Tonight - iOS Notification (Response-Yes)" initial_state: true trigger: platform: event event_type: ios.notification_action_fired event_data: actionName: YESIDOWANTABATH action: service: switch.turn_on entity_id: switch.waterheaterpeak - alias: "Bath Tonight - iOS Notification (Response-No)" initial_state: true trigger: platform: event event_type: ios.notification_action_fired event_data: actionName: NOIDONOTWANTABATH action: service: switch.turn_off entity_id: switch.waterheateroffpeak
push: categories: - name: Do you want a bath tonight identifier: 'doyouwantabath' actions: - identifier: 'YESIDOWANTABATH' title: 'Yes' activationMode: 'background' authenticationRequired: true destructive: false behavior: 'default' - identifier: 'NOIDONOTWANTABATH' title: 'No' activationMode: 'background' authenticationRequired: true destructive: false behavior: 'default'
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