@Canedje wrote:
Today is did start up my new Raspberry Pi 4B with HA.
I’m coming from a Homey and want to migrate to HA.
I installed HA, Samba, the configurator, Node-RED and DuckDNS. All working fine.
I installed a ZWAVE.me and Zigbee Conbee II Dongle (deCONZ) after some trouble also running fine.
I added a NEO coolcam wallplug as test for ZWAVE and a Xiaomi doorsensor at deCON.
Also succeeded that.The questions I have:
I did try to start a simple Que in Node-RED switching the NEO Coolcam wallplug on and off depending o the state of the Xiami Door Sensor.In the even-state tile I do see the NEO coolcam entity ID but not the Xiaomi Zigbee sensor as an option to chose?
Where to find the Zigbee door sensor? Or did I install the Zigbee wrong.
Beside this the Zwave NEO coolcam is showen in the overview, I don’t see the Zigbee sensor?If I look at the deCONZ part I can see the doorsensor and also changing the state
I’m a newbee so please help.
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