@stevemann wrote:
My Home Assistant server (Raspberry Pi-3) crashed last week and as my bad luck had it, I had no saved snapshots. So, I am starting over.
Getting my lights and switches back on Alexa seemed to be working. I had been using Alexa-Local nodes in the past, but an Alexa Discover couldn’t find the nodes on the new system, so I decided to try Alexa-Home. Discover finds the Alexa-Home nodes nicely, except for the frequent:
Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
I’ll work on that later unless someone has any suggestions.
By my real issue is with the Call Service node.I can reliably turn the light on or off using the Services tab:
So, I put the entity and service into a Call Service node:
After deploying, everything seemed to work, then my wife called me to dinner.
A couple of hours later, one of the Call Service nodes has this error:"Call-service API error. "
and the other has this error:
“Call-Service attempted without connection to server.”
The only difference from the two is the service; switch.turn_on or switch.turn_off.
Here is what my flow looks like:
And here is the flow:
[ { "id":"75ebe44.60af51c", "type":"inject", "z":"ae89a19a.1fd39", "name":"on", "topic":"", "payload":"on", "payloadType":"str", "repeat":"", "crontab":"", "once":false, "x":470, "y":580, "wires":[ [ "7c92a4da.c068fc" ] ] }, { "id":"fc188614.f1eae8", "type":"inject", "z":"ae89a19a.1fd39", "name":"Off", "topic":"", "payload":"off", "payloadType":"str", "repeat":"", "crontab":"", "once":false, "x":470, "y":620, "wires":[ [ "56defcf1.8ffa24" ] ] }, { "id":"52ffe154.20495", "type":"alexa-home", "z":"ae89a19a.1fd39", "conf":"49ef520c.ed4c0c", "device":"93601", "acknoledge":true, "name":"Floodlight", "topic":"", "x":140, "y":520, "wires":[ [ "2efea101.04239e" ] ] }, { "id":"2efea101.04239e", "type":"switch", "z":"ae89a19a.1fd39", "name":"Turn light on or off", "property":"command", "propertyType":"msg", "rules":[ { "t":"eq", "v":"TurnOnRequest", "vt":"str" }, { "t":"eq", "v":"TurnOffRequest", "vt":"str" } ], "checkall":"true", "outputs":2, "x":330, "y":520, "wires":[ [ "9413c9d0.915b48" ], [ "c3528af3.bc2c58" ] ] }, { "id":"9413c9d0.915b48", "type":"change", "z":"ae89a19a.1fd39", "name":"Set payload to on", "rules":[ { "t":"set", "p":"payload", "pt":"msg", "to":"on", "tot":"str" } ], "action":"", "property":"", "from":"", "to":"", "reg":false, "x":550, "y":500, "wires":[ [ "7c92a4da.c068fc" ] ] }, { "id":"c3528af3.bc2c58", "type":"change", "z":"ae89a19a.1fd39", "name":"Set payload to off", "rules":[ { "t":"set", "p":"payload", "pt":"msg", "to":"off", "tot":"str" } ], "action":"", "property":"", "from":"", "to":"", "reg":false, "x":550, "y":540, "wires":[ [ "56defcf1.8ffa24" ] ] }, { "id":"94d052df.3be92", "type":"comment", "z":"ae89a19a.1fd39", "name":"========== Floodlight ==========", "info":"", "x":230, "y":460, "wires":[ ] }, { "id":"7c92a4da.c068fc", "type":"api-call-service", "z":"ae89a19a.1fd39", "name":"Floodlight On", "server":"cc0d1734.6963a8", "version":1, "debugenabled":true, "service_domain":"switch", "service":"turn_on", "entityId":"switch.aeon_labs_zw139_nano_switch_switch", "data":"", "dataType":"json", "mergecontext":"", "output_location":"", "output_location_type":"none", "mustacheAltTags":false, "x":790, "y":540, "wires":[ [ ] ] }, { "id":"56defcf1.8ffa24", "type":"api-call-service", "z":"ae89a19a.1fd39", "name":"Floodlight Off", "server":"cc0d1734.6963a8", "version":1, "debugenabled":true, "service_domain":"switch", "service":"turn_off", "entityId":"switch.aeon_labs_zw139_nano_switch_switch", "data":"", "dataType":"json", "mergecontext":"", "output_location":"", "output_location_type":"none", "mustacheAltTags":false, "x":790, "y":600, "wires":[ [ ] ] }, { "id":"49ef520c.ed4c0c", "type":"alexa-home-conf", "z":"", "username":"SteveMann" }, { "id":"cc0d1734.6963a8", "type":"server", "z":"", "name":"Home Assistant- Raspberry", "legacy":true, "hassio":true, "rejectUnauthorizedCerts":true, "ha_boolean":"y|yes|true|on|home|open", "connectionDelay":true, "cacheJson":true } ]
Assistance would be appreciated…
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