@Jack_Kitley wrote:
Hello all
Im battling to record how much water i use in a day. my current state is the current volume of water as an int value.
The water meter works on a pulse and is defined in tasmota as a counter. My state in home assistant is the counter value…
Does anyone know how i can display what ive used for the current day.
- platform: mqtt state_topic: "tele/water_meter/SENSOR" name: water_total value_template: "{{ value_json.COUNTER.C1 }}" - platform: template sensors: water_meter_litre: friendly_name: "Water Meter in Lt" unit_of_measurement: 'lt' value_template: "{{ (states('sensor.water_total')|int * 5) | round(2) }}" water_meter_kilolitre: friendly_name: "Water Meter in kL" unit_of_measurement: 'kL' value_template: "{{ ((states('sensor.water_total')|int * 5) / 1000) | round(3) }}"
From the above i would like to get a daily usage.
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