@not_a_coder wrote:
I don’t understand the instructions for installing Influxdb and hope someone can help me. I used the Supervisor Addon store to install it. I left the config as default
reporting: true ssl: true certfile: fullchain.pem keyfile: privkey.pem envvars: []
I have SSL and the certfile and keyfile are in the SSL folder of HASSIO and when I click on Open Web UI I get an InfluxDB menu so I am guessing all is good up to there.
The menu on the left has Status, Host List which is empty, Explore which has http://localhost:8086, Dashboards which is empty, Alerting, Log Viewer, InfluxDB Admin which has _internal and users that I have never added, and Configuration which has http://localhost:8086. If I click on http://localhost:8086 in Configuration I have several options some of which are already filled out. They must be default settings since it is not info that I have entered.
What are my next steps in order to get data from sensors that I have in HASSIO? Am I supposed to change the Configuration within the InfluxDB Web UI? Or do I just create Queries and if I am supposed to create Queries where can I find instructions that use HASSIO sensors as examples?
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