@Hs82H wrote:
I try to pass a variable to a script. I want my Google Home lower it’s volume when my son is sleeping, based on a input_select. Unfortunately I get an error and I am not that experienced with variables. I think I messed up some examples I found on the forum.
I got this automation and script:
alias: change volume when son is sleeping trigger: platform: state entity_id: - input_select.niek_status action: service_template: >- {% if ( is_state('input_select.niek_status', 'sleeping') ) %} service: script.set_volume_googlehome data_template: variables: volume: '{{ 30 }}' {% elif ( is_state('input_select.niek_status', 'awake') ) %} service: script.set_volume_googlehome data_template: variables: volume: '{{ 70 }}' {%- endif %}
set_volume_googlehome: alias: 'Set volume Google Home' sequence: - service: media_player.volume_set data_template: entity_id: media_player.home volume_level: '{{ volume }}'
The error I get:
2020-03-06 15:32:44 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.automation] Error while executing automation automation.change_volume_when_son_is_sleeping. Invalid data for call_service at pos 1: Service service: script.set_volume_googlehome data_template: variables: volume: 70 does not match format <domain>.<name>
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