@harpdogg wrote:
Hoping someone can assist me with this
What I want to do is after my morning alarm is dismissed, Tasker sends a random YouTube video ID to an automation which then calls a script to play the video on my TV via Kodi.
Thanks to this thread and @Tinkerer, I have a webhook setup for Tasker, and I have a script which plays the YT video. What I am missing, and can’t get to work is the variable for the video ID coming from Tasker and passing that into the script. Here is my code for each component:
# Play Workout Video kodi_start_workout: alias: Kodi Start Workout sequence: - service: shell_command.tv_on - service: kodi.call_method data: entity_id: media_player.kodi method: Player.Open data_template: > item: file: "plugin://plugin.video.youtube/?action=play_video&videoid={{videoid}}"
- initial_state: 'on' alias: Initialize Tasker webhook trigger: - platform: webhook webhook_id: thisisatest action: - event: tasker_webhook event_data_template: who: "{{ trigger.json.who }}" what: "{{ trigger.json.what }}" - initial_state: 'on' alias: Send random YouTube video id to Home Assistant from Tasker when alarm dismissed trigger: - platform: event event_type: tasker_webhook event_data: who: harpdogg what: video_id action: - service: script.kodi_start_workout data_template: videoid: "{{ trigger.json.what }}"
Thanks for any suggestions.
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