@davidusb wrote:
Dear all.
I’m trying to implement a simple scheduled switch automation to control a water heater.
For now I just want to turn on the water heater at a given time. For this I’m using a input_datetime. This is working fine. My problem is to turn off the heater. I want to use an input_select to let the user choose a delay (in hours) to turn off the heater. I can’t get this to work. With my above code I get the heater on at the desired time but it doesn’t turn off one hour later.
What I’m doing wrong?
Thank you for your help.- alias: 'Water Heather automation' trigger: - platform: template value_template: "{{ states.sensor.time.state == states.input_datetime.water_heater_on_time.state[0:5] }}" action: - service: switch.turn_on entity_id: switch.water_heater - alias: 'Water Heather OFF 1h' initial_state: true hide_entity: True trigger: - platform: template value_template: "{{ now().hour * 3600 > states.input_datetime.water_heater_on_time.attributes.timestamp + 3600 | int and is_state('input_select.water_heater_mode','1h') }}" action: - service: homeassistant.turn_off entity_id: switch.water_heater
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