@ptdalen wrote:
So I have my washing machine plugged into a power monitoring plug. When it drops below 1 watt it alerts me that the washing machine is done. It works well
- alias: 'Washing Machine Done Notification' trigger: - platform: numeric_state entity_id: sensor.power_washing_machine below: 1.0 condition: - condition: state entity_id: input_select.house_mode state: 'Home' - condition: numeric_state entity_id: sensor.ha_runtime_in_minutes above: 3 action: - service: notify.alexa_media data_template: target: - media_player.livingroom data: type: announce message: "The Washing Machine is done. Laundry is ready for the Dryer"
Now that I’m working from home like so many others,
I notice it goes off once or twice a day for no reason. The sensor value is 0, did not go above 0 that I can see. Anyway, was thinking a condition may help, but I still want to be notified as soon as possible after the laundy is done. Any suggestions?
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