@DavidW wrote:
I’ve got an issue were the wrong icon is displayed, got this config for my bedscale:
binary_sensor: #---------------------------------------------------------------- - platform: template sensors: david_in_bed: friendly_name: "David in Bed" device_class: occupancy icon_template: mdi:hotel delay_on: seconds: 2 delay_off: seconds: 2 value_template: > {{ states('sensor.bed_scale_weight')|int >= states('sensor.bed_scale_threshold') }} nele_in_bed: friendly_name: "Nele in Bed" device_class: occupancy icon_template: mdi:hotel delay_on: seconds: 2 delay_off: seconds: 2 value_template: > {{ states('sensor.bed_scale_weight')|int > 4000000 and (states('sensor.bed_scale_weight')|int < states('sensor.bed_scale_threshold')|int or states('sensor.bed_scale_weight')|int >= 5500001)}}
But only Nele is getting the right icon?
Searched through the entire config, but can’t find anything which could overwrite the icon.
Also Lovelace config looks normal:
entities: - binary_sensor.david_in_bed - binary_sensor.nele_in_bed show_header_toggle: false title: Bedscale type: entities
Any thoughts?
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