@MarkB1 wrote:
On the whole the sensor works fine for control but issues arise with it in Automation.
Because the sensor looses connectivity once in a while due to the ESP32 on ESPhome the sensor reading reports Unavailable.
This in turn triggers my automation to return back a notification as Unavailable even though I have a delay set for 20 seconds.
Is there something I could add to my template so if sensor is unavailable it does not trigger the automation?
- id: '1576494984622' alias: HOUSE TEMPERATURE OUTSIDE LIMITS NOTIFICATION description: '' trigger: - for: 00:00:20 platform: template value_template: '{{states.sensor.xiaomi_lywsdcgq_temperature.state | float < 16.00 or states.sensor.xiaomi_lywsdcgq_temperature.state | float > 22.50}}' condition: [] action: - data_template: message: HEATING CONTROL FAILURE {{ states.sensor.xiaomi_lywsdcgq_temperature.state }} °C service: persistent_notification.create - data_template: message: HEATING CONTROL FAILURE {{ states.sensor.xiaomi_lywsdcgq_temperature.state }} °C service: notify.mobile_app_sm_g960f
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