@Doopie wrote:
I’ve got a question.
I’m new to zigbee2mqtt so maybe it’s a stupid question but i can’t find a solution anywhere.I have Discovery on ( true) and can see the device in the entity list but isn’t it supposed to be auto added to the lovelace dashboard in some way? How do i do that.
If i manually add it it’s displayed and working allright. It’s a switch TS0001
In the log:
2020-03-25 13:12:00: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/log', payload '{"type":"devices","message":[{"ieeeAddr":"0x00124b0018e300f7","type":"Coordinator","networkAddress":0,"friendly_name":"Coordinator","softwareBuildID":"zStack30x","dateCode":"20190425","lastSeen":1585138320108},{"ieeeAddr":"0xec1bbdfffe9202d3","type":"Router","networkAddress":27281,"model":"TS0001","vendor":"CR Smart Home","description":"Valve control","friendly_name":"0xec1bbdfffe9202d3","manufacturerID":0,"manufacturerName":"_TYZB01_seqwasot","powerSource":"Mains (single phase)","modelID":"TS0001","lastSeen":1585138203915}]}'
In the devices.js of zigbee2mqtt it’s supported:
zigbeeModel: ['TS0001'], model: 'TS0001', vendor: 'CR Smart Home', description: 'Valve control', supports: 'control', fromZigbee: [fz.on_off], toZigbee: [tz.on_off], },
mqtt: discovery: true broker:XXXXXXX port: XXXXXXX username: XXXXXXX password: XXXXXXX birth_message: topic: 'hass/status' payload: 'online' will_message: topic: 'hass/status' payload: 'offline'
OR i’m totally wrong and the switches and other zigbee2mqtt devices won’t be added to Lovelace automatically.
I’ve also read this:
Any ideas? Please help me.
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