A moment of silence for the passing Insteon. Another protocol like x10 I am heavily invested in… My current question is how to get my Insteon devices in Home Assistant 2022.4.6. core-2022.4.6 supervisor-2022.04.0. HA OS 7.6 I am running HA on a Linux Guest hosted on a Mac OS mii running Monterey 12…3.
As I understand it HA will “autodiscover” an Insteon when communication occurs with the device. My next hurdle is the Insteon Lock Controller 2862-222, I got it talking to the PLM 2413U when I was using Indigo. Then fired back up HA to see if it would “discover”. I also used Developer Tools to ru the service
Insteon: Add all link
Still nada
I then installed insteonplm* with no success which actually makes some sense as I installed it on my VM. and my Insteon activity is running on HA OS
So next step appeared to be to create an override as set forth this is discussion…
New Insteon PLM modem integration option via MQTT - #129 by TD22057
No signs of my override working in the Insteon Integration or in insteon_devices.json
Any thoughts or obsevations about another approach?
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