Hi everyone,
i’m running a fresh Homeassistant (core on ubuntu) and already managed to add most of my devices.
But one integration is not working as expected: I have a lot of HomematicIP(Accesspoint) stuff and Homeassistant found all of them.
Now i created a few dashboard for weather and heating and i noticed that it doesnt seem to get updated (like outside temp). If i refresh the HmIP-Integtration then it also updates the current outside-temp.
the logs show:
Error connecting to HomematicIP with HAP 3014F711A00003DA499EB709. Retrying in 16 seconds 14:00:08 – (FEHLER) HomematicIP Cloud - Die Nachricht ist zum ersten Mal um 27. April 2022, 16:19:59 aufgetreten und erscheint 342 mal wait_for() got an unexpected keyword argument 'loop' 14:00:08 – (FEHLER) /srv/homeassistant/lib/python3.10/site-packages/homematicip/aio/connection.py - Die Nachricht ist zum ersten Mal um 27. April 2022, 16:19:59 aufgetreten und erscheint 342 mal
Do you have any tips or hints where to look?
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