Hello HA Community!
I’ve managed to get my doorbell to publish mqtt events to the Mosquitto broker installed in my HA instance but I’m having trouble creating the binary sensor to state change on those incoming mqtt events.
My goal is that when the doorbell rings I can trigger an automation to play a sound on several smart speakers.
This is the event that the doorbell emits when someone rings the bell:
"Action": "Start",
"Code": "CallNoAnswered",
"Data": {
"CallID": "8",
"LocaleTime": "2022-04-28 10:21:55",
"UTC": 1651170115.0
"Index": 0,
"serialNumber": "LNWZ6C34FA0F941"
And this is the binary sensor create that I’ve added to my configuration.yaml file which isn’t working:
- platform: mqtt
name: "Doorbell Button State"
state_topic: "DahuaVTO/CallNoAnswered/Event"
availability_topic: "DahuaVTO/CallNoAnswered/Event"
value_template: "{{ 'ON' if value_json.Action == 'Start' else 'OFF' }}"
The resulting binary sensor has failed to pick up any state changes:
Thanks for any help!
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