I have one gate lock similar to this one and I connected one Shelly1 to send the input to unlock the gate.
Everything works fine.
My actual integration on HomeAssistant (which works fine) on switch.yaml is:
- platform: mqtt
name: "Gate"
state_topic: 'shellies/Gate1/relay/0'
command_topic: 'shellies/Gate1/relay/0/command'
availability_topic: 'shellies/Gate1/online'
unique_id: 'Gate1-relay-0'
payload_on: 'on'
payload_off: 'off'
payload_available: 'true'
optimistic: false
The issue is when I include it in HomeKit, the device is seen as a switch and so, using Siri, I can’t say “open the Gate” but I have to say “switch on the Gate”.
How should I setup the device in order to make it work as a gate lock on Home.app?
Should I define somehow the device class? Should I use a template? How the template would be built?
Thank you!
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