Hey All,
I have a Enpress Pioneer whole home water filter that I took a wemos D1 Mini and am reading the hall effect sensor. I generated a flow curve that is accurate and created an integration sensor in ESP Home. Only issue I had is that the integration sensor data would be lost on restarts which I didn’t want as I am trying to maintain data for over a year.
Code here:
- platform: pulse_counter
pin: D2
update_interval: 1s
unit_of_measurement: "GPM"
icon: "mdi:water-pump"
name: "Water Flow Rate"
id: water_flow_rate
rising_edge: Increment
falling_edge: Disable
- multiply: 0.006
- median:
window_size: 4
send_every: 3
send_first_at: 2
accuracy_decimals: 2
- platform: integration #used with pulse counter
name: "Water Usage Gallons"
sensor: water_flow_rate
time_unit: min
icon: "mdi:water"
accuracy_decimals: 2
unit_of_measurement: "Gallons"
This is accurate and trends exactly with my softener flow (mechanical device)
In order to store it long term reliably I decided to use the RSSI helper (wish I did it in configuration but separate story).
Example setup picture:
Here is where the inherent issue lies…
Data for both over the last 24 hours.
One is not like the other. Am I missing something here as to why they are significantly different?
***PLEASE NOTE: I just noticed this the starting point, on the graphs, near the same number is purely coincidental. The ESP integration has been running a few days now. The Riemann Sum was started around 36 hours ago. ***
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