I’m kinda loosing my mind right now with integrating my WAREMA vertical blinds into Home assistant.
What I got:
- 4 bigass outside venetian blinds from WAREMA
- WAREMA Webcontrol unit up and running via web and Android app (not the plus version)
- WAREMA Handsender Comfort (remote control)
What I tried:
- @giannello 's WAREMA addon → aborted because I don’t have that needed WAREMA stick
- IFTTT → no integration
- Logitech Harmony → not integration
- @cornim 's undocumented integration → dazed and confused me but hopefully with a little help I can get where I want
What I want:
- at least the 4 binary sensors but of course rather fully functioning cover entites with position and tilt
- I probably can live with binary sensors as long as I don’t have to use that app or remote control
Back to the undocumented intefration:
I’ve copied the provided files into /config/custom_component into the folder ha-warema-integration_main and put the following cover code into configuration.yaml as he suggested in the issue thread.
- platform: warema_wms_webcontrol
webcontrol_server_addr: http://<IP OF MY WAREMA WEBCONTROL>
update_interval: 300
I’ve validated the configuration and restartetd Home Assistant (endless times…) and while restarted the custom integration is shown in the left corner to be successfully started.
But what now? Do I need to set up a template cover? But how with no sensor? Some kinde sensor based on the integration?
Any suggestions are that welcome!
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