I have 6 Wyze Cam V3’s and they’ve all received the RTSP firmware. They all work within Home Assistant, but only while I’m on my home WiFi. As soon as I switch to LTE on my phone, they fail to stream.
They’re all set up as Generic Cameras and I’m using the picture entity card. According to the Generic Camera Page, they should be viewable remotely.
Unfortunately I can’t find anything to help me figure out why they don’t work (BTW I subscribe to Nabu Casa if that helps). The only thing I can see that makes reference is this, on that page:
Home Assistant will serve the images via its server, making it possible to view your IP cameras while outside of your network. The endpoint is
But that’s it. There are no other references about the endpoint, where to put it, or how to make this work. I’m missing something stupidly simple.
I’ve been trying to make them work remotely for weeks… I finally broke down and posted here, hoping someone has the answer.
Thank you in advance for helping a brother out!
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