Hello everybody!
I would like to integrate some Shelly TRVs via MQTT with some success. But still some parts are missing.
Here is what I’m trying:
1.) Shows the target temperature
- platform: mqtt
name: MQTT TRV-01 receive set target temp
unique_id: MQTT TRV-01 receive set target temp
unit_of_measurement: '°C'
expire_after: 86400
device_class: temperature
qos: 0
state_topic: shellies/TRV-Wohnen-01/info
value_template: "{{ value_json.thermostats.target_t.value }}"
2.) Unavailable
- platform: mqtt
name: MQTT TRV-01 receive get temp
unique_id: MQTT TRV-01 receive get temp
unit_of_measurement: '°C'
expire_after: 86400
device_class: temperature
qos: 0
state_topic: shellies/TRV-Wohnen-01/info
value_template: "{{ value_json.thermostats.tmp.value }}"
3.) Unavailable
- platform: mqtt
name: MQTT TRV-01 send target temp
unique_id: MQTT TRV-01 send target temp
unit_of_measurement: '°C'
expire_after: 86400
device_class: temperature
qos: 0
state_topic: shellies/TRV-Wohnen-01/thermostat/0/command/target_t
Could You please help me?
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