@maxPeuck wrote:
I want to personnalise my lovelace UI with some custom cards that I downloaded with HACS.
In my configuration.yalm, I have:
lovelace: mode: yaml resources: - url: /hacsfiles/logbook-card/logbook-card.js type: module - url: /hacsfiles/bignumber-card/bignumber-card.js type: module
In my ui-lovelace.yalm:
title: Maison views: - badges: - entity: person.maxime - entity: sun.sun cards: - entities: - entity: sensor.toulouse_next_rain - entity: sensor.toulouse_rain_chance - entity: sensor.toulouse_weather type: glance - entities: type: custom:logbook-card desc: true entity: sun.sun hiddenState: - above_horizon title: Day history path: default_view title: Home
In the lovelace view, the regular cards show up nicely but the custom cards is red with the following message:
No card type configured. entities: type: 'custom:logbook-card' desc: true entity: sun.sun hiddenState: - above_horizon title: Day history
I don’t know where is my error…
Thank for your help.Maxime
Edit : I’m using Home Assistante with HASSIO on Raspberry Pi 3. HA version 0.107.6
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