@Eltjo_de_Waard wrote:
Dear all,
Can someone please help me out.
I want to run Adguard in Hassio. I’ve got Hassio running in Docker in a Ubuntu Server.
Out of the box it won’t work and it gives me “502 bad gateway” and in the log “[fatal] Couldn’t start forwarding DNS server, cause: couldn’t listen to UDP socket,” (I’ve got the router DNS pointing to IP Hassio, so that part should work)
I’ve found a solution (I think):
i followed the link and the page for adguard loads up now!
the first solution didnt work for my ubuntu but after following more suggestions, this works for me…
sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf
change to my verizon’s router ip of systemctl disable systemd-resolved.service
then sudo reboot.thank you everyone!
But since I don’t have Linux experience (I’ve followed a walkthrough to get Hassio in Docker running), can someone tell me if this is a correct solution AND what exactly is changed. (For instance “change to my verizon’s router ip of” where do you change this?)
Hope someone can help me (and I guess I’m not the only one with this question now or in the future).
Kind regards,
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