@nix1016 wrote:
I’m having some problems with triggering google assistant to speak over API requests. I can get other services working such as lights to turn on and off but for some reason the tts service for google_say doesn’t do anything other than triggering a ding sound on my google home and returns a blank response. Here’s my POST request (I don’t have an api password set):
POST: https://homeassistant.URL/api/services/tts/google_say?api_password= Authorization: Bearer Token xxxxxx Headers: Content-Type: application/json Data: { "entity_id": "media_player.living_room_speaker", "message": "May the force be with you" }
I get back a status 200 OK and a blank json in the body as the response (i.e. []) and I hear my google home go ding and then appear as idle on the home assistant front end on which I can manually get it to speak something fine.
There’s also nothing in my error logs, and as mentioned I can control the lights fine with request:
So I’m a bit stumped on what could be wrong?
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