@starob wrote:
Hi, I’m running HA 0.100.3 with HA Cloud Alexa integration. I have a list of included entities like this:
cloud: alexa: filter: include_entities: - light.alexa_virtual - light.carportspots - group.licht - group.esstischlicht - group.gartenlicht - switch.holzlampe - switch.gartenspots - switch.cp_steckdose - script.yamaha_radio_bob_ein - script.yamaha_radio_rock_antenne_ein - script.yamaha_radio_topfm_ein - script.yamaha_receiver_aus - script.yamaha_receiver_ein - sensor.aussentemp - sensor.cpu_temp - sensor.garagetor - sensor.wassermelder - sensor.uptime - sensor.internet_online_sensor
Everythings works as expected, except that the last 4 sensors are NOT exposed to Alexa. Are there any limitations on # or type of sensors that can be exposed?
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