@hillbicks wrote:
Hey guys,
I was wondering what you guys are doing in order to automate the vacuum a bit more. currently i have several automations for the start of the two robots that I have. I still have to remember to empty the bin after every other run and of course I’d like to automate that as well by sending the robot to bin.
I think it either has to be done by calculating the total number of runs since it was last emptied. I think it would be better though to use the total m² cleaned since the bin was last emptied since 1 cleaning run of the kitchen fills the bin way less than a complete run.
Here is what I’m thinking of implementing:
- Upon returning state of the vacuum add the value of last clean run to an input_number sensor
- Once somebody is near the bin (triggered by light turning on or google home starts playing) AND the value of the input_number sensor is higher than, let’s say, 120, drive the vacuum to the bin and reset the input_number to 0.
How are you guys doing this?
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