@jonassam wrote:
I have two templated Binary Sensors to track two persons presence (person1_home_sensor and person2_home_sensor), and a third one (away_mode) depending on the state of the two first. Like this:binary_sensor: - platform: template sensors: person1_home_sensor: friendly_name: Person1 Home device_class: occupancy value_template: '{{ is_state("device_tracker.person1_iphone", "home") }}' person2_home_sensor: friendly_name: Person2 Home device_class: occupancy value_template: '{{ is_state("device_tracker.person2_iphone", "home") }}' away_mode: friendly_name: Away Mode device_class: occupancy value_template: >- '{{ "on" if (is_state("binary_sensor.person1_home_sensor", "off") and is_state("binary_sensor.person2_home_sensor", "off")) else "off" }}'
The two first works just like they should, but the away_mode sensor does not update correctly. Testing the templates in the Developer Tools, everything works as I would like, but not with the actual sensors.
Is it not possbile to have a template sensor dependent on other template sensors like this? It would of course be possible with an automation, but this would be much more elegant…
Best regards,
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