@ob2s wrote:
I am just trying to create a card with an entity(?) that has an on off button for a simple esp8266 relay. The URLs are http://relay/?S=On and http://relay/?S=Off Both return
{ “POWER” : “ON”} or { “POWER” : “OFF”}. I was able to hack my way through to create a circular widget on the dashboard that shows status via the Rest Sensor (http://relay/status) which has the same json returned as above.I am struggling with translating this rest switch example into on-off control of my esp8266. I don’t want to use the esp8266 integration, it is over my head, though I can write code for esp8266, etc.
switch: - platform: rest resource: http://relay/?S= body_on: '{"POWER": "ON"}' body_off: '{"POWER": "OFF"}' is_on_template: '{{ value_json.POWER }}' headers: Content-Type: application/json
I know I am missing something, also will I see the ‘switch’ as an entity that I can add to a card once I have it correct ? I have looked at many videos and web pages and it just eludes me.
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