@Malcolm_Smart wrote:
Help! I have split my switches into smaller YAML files and all good. But having a mare on teh sensors - a mix of template sensor and a binary RF mqtt sensor. It’s 0130hrs now here, so i have given up - hoping i may have some answers when i wake
sensor: !include_dir_list sensor/
I have a folder called sensor with the following three files. The first two give me no problem, appear in my states list.
platform: template sensors: next_dawn: friendly_name: "Dawn" value_template: > {% set n = now().timestamp() %} {% set sunrise = as_timestamp(state_attr("sun.sun" , "next_dawn") ) %} {% set secondsToSunrise = sunrise - n %} {% set hours = secondsToSunrise // 3600 %} {% set secondsToSunrise = secondsToSunrise - ( hours * 3600 ) %} {% set minutes = secondsToSunrise // 60 %} {% set secondsToSunrise = secondsToSunrise - ( minutes * 60 ) %} {{ '{:02}:{:02}:{:02}'.format(hours | int, minutes | int , secondsToSunrise | int) }}
The next one also works…
platform: template sensors: next_bin_colour: friendly_name: "Next Bin Colour" value_template: > {% set week = now().strftime('%U') %} {% set weekEven = (week | int) % 2 %} {% if weekEven == 1%}BLUE{% else %}BLACK{% endif %}
but this one almost has me in tears - i just can’t get all three playing nicely…
binary_sensor: - platform: mqtt state_topic: "tele/bridge/RESULT" name: 'Garage Door' value_template: '{{value_json.RfReceived.Data}}' payload_on: 'some code' payload_off: 'some other code' device_class: opening
It complains about various things - sometimes i can’t have on/off for payload. Other times i can’t have mapping if i move the ‘binary_sensor’ line. i had these three wokring in configuratoin.yaml - but struggling to break them outinto the sensors/ folder. I think it’s to do with a mix of sensor types or platform types - but my head is now full.
any help much appreciated - sorry for long post - but i am still new at this YAML stuff so wanted to give as much info as possible. Have also tried with include_dir_merge_list as well.
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