@Brett_Hales wrote:
I’m struggling with getting my mdi icons working within a value template with three different states (ie. mdi:radiator-disabled, mdi:radiator or mdi:radiator-off).I tried this:-
solar_upstairs_study_heater_on: entity_id: - binary_sensor.upstairs_study_heater value_template: >- {{ is_state("binary_sensor.upstairs_study_heater", "on") icon_template: >- {% if is_state("binary_sensor.upstairs_study_heater", "on") %} mdi:radiator-disabled {% elif is_state("switch.study_heater", "on") %} mdi:radiator {% else %} mdi:radiator-off {% endif %}
My problem is that the icon never turns to ‘mdi:radiator’ mode even when the switch.study_heater is on.
I expect that I need to add the state of the switch in the value_template section, I’ve tried the ‘OR’ below however syntax is incorrect.
solar_upstairs_study_heater_on: entity_id: - binary_sensor.upstairs_study_heater value_template: >- {{ is_state("binary_sensor.upstairs_study_heater", "on") **OR** is_state("switch.study_heater", "on") }} icon_template: >- {% if is_state("binary_sensor.upstairs_study_heater", "on") %} mdi:radiator-disabled {% elif is_state("switch.study_heater", "on") %} mdi:radiator {% else %} mdi:radiator-off {% endif %}
Can anybody help?
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