@TarheelGrad1998 wrote:
I had just begun to work with Cast and want to stream some cameras to a TV Chromecast. I had gotten the below to work and display the camera in Developer Tools on .109.
Today, I upgraded to .110.2 and tried creating automations and now it does not work. It changes to the Chromecast, starts to show a playbar at the bottom of the screen, but then stops with just the Chromecast icon in the center of the screen. This is even doing the same call that worked on .109 via Dev Tools.
- service: camera.play_stream data_template: media_player: media_player.living_room_tv_chromecast entity_id: camera.carport
Has something about .110 broken this? I also changed back to using default config during the upgrade (as I had previously removed discovery to prevent repeated device detection, now that they can be ignored), but I assume it should have everything necessary for this to work?
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