@Makis wrote:
I am trying to display the switches are ON.I came up with the following which is working but I only need the friendly name and not the rest of info
in order to sent a simple notification to my phonevalue_template: > {% set switch = states.switch -%} {% set on = switch | selectattr('state','eq','on') | list -%} {{ on }}
alue_template: > [<template state switch.sonoff_10009bd11e=on; rssi=-68, friendly_name=Kitchen Led 2, icon=mdi:led-strip, supported_features=0 @ 2020-05-25T10:27:31.889492+03:00>, <template state switch.sonoff_1000a05283=on; rssi=-66, friendly_name=Kitchen Led, icon=mdi:led-strip, supported_features=0 @ 2020-05-25T10:27:31.326588+03:00>, <template state switch.tradfi_outlet=on; friendly_name=Tradfi outlet @ 2020-05-24T09:37:57.194650+03:00>]
Ideally from the above I would like to get
Kitchen Led
Kitchen Led 2
Tradfri outlet.Can someone suggest how to proceed?
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