@4integration wrote:
I am migrating from openHAB to Home Assistant and would like to get some input on MQTT
In openHAB I have devices (ot Items in openHAB) configured like this
Number TotalPowerSensorWatt "Total Power Watt" <energy> { channel="mysensors:power:gateway:sensor-total-power:watt", mqtt="> [rabbitmq:/myhouse/power/sensor/total:state:*:Power,sensor=${itemName},location=total watt=${state} ]" }
So when the device (a sensor in this case) get a changed state/measure it will post an event based on a template.
Here it will post:
- To the topic
- With the payload
"Power,sensor=TotalPowerSensorWatt,location=total watt=754"
How can I accomplish this in the best way in HA?
Note: I have MQTT connection enabled
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