@cavern wrote:
Hello, not sure I post in the right place. I posted yesterday, but don’t see my post. So here it is again, sorry for messing up if I do.
I’m rather new to home Assistant and yaml stuff, so please be kind (and I’m not native english speaking neither).
I’m operating King Q4 covers using tasmota over MQTT on a PS-16-DZ module configuration. It does the job more or less, but the synchronization of the slider with the on/off commands. The slider has effect on the status open/closed, but the action to open or close doesn’t affect the slider at all.
Not ready to dive in the driver code, I’d like to have a dimmer action from home assistant in parallel with the open/close actions but I do not even find how to try that.
For instance, the action below:
payload_open: 'AT+UPDATE="sequence":"1576774195000","switch":"on"'
would ideally run an increment from 0 to 100 by steps of 5 every 5 seconds.
Any idea how I can do this ?
As info, the full configuration for each cover is like below:
cover Volet_Cheminee: platform: mqtt name: "volet cheminée" device_class: shade availability_topic: "tele/volet_cheminee/LWT" payload_available: "Connecté" payload_not_available: "Déconnecté" position_topic: "stat/volet_cheminee/position" position_open: 100 position_closed: 0 set_position_topic: "cmnd/volet_cheminee/Dimmer" command_topic: "cmnd/volet_cheminee/SerialSend2" payload_open: 'AT+UPDATE="sequence":"1576774195000","switch":"on"' payload_close: 'AT+UPDATE="sequence":"1576774195000","switch":"off"' payload_stop: 'AT+UPDATE="sequence":"1576774195000","switch":"pause"' retain: true optimistic: false qos: 1
I can run a list of my covers by the position, to operate like a group, but one by one, i’d like the arrows to influence de slider anyway.
- platform: template switches: rez_de_chaussee: value_template: "{{ is_state('cover.Volet_Bureau', 'open') }}" turn_on: service: cover.set_cover_position data: entity_id: cover.Volet_Bureau, cover.Volet_Cheminee, cover.Volet_TV, cover.Volet_Salle_Manger position: 100 turn_off: service: cover.set_cover_position data: entity_id: cover.Volet_Bureau, cover.Volet_Cheminee, cover.Volet_TV, cover.Volet_Salle_Manger position: 0 icon_template: >- {% if is_state('switch.rez_de_chaussee', 'on') %} mdi:format-vertical-align-bottom {% else %} mdi:format-vertical-align-top {% endif %}
Any suggestion for the step increment from 0 to 100 every 5 seconds would be very much appreciated.
Have a nice day.
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