@alasdair wrote:
I’m using the whois platform to get the expiration dates of my domains
- platform: whois domain: domain1.com name: domain1_sensor - platform: whois domain: domain2.com name: domain1_sensor
For each domain, I have an automation to send a notification when there are fewer than 31 days to expiry.
- alias: domain1_sensor_notify trigger: platform: time at: "10:00" condition: condition: numeric_state entity_id: sensor.domain1 below: 31 action: service: notify.email data_template: title: "domain1.com expiring" message: "Remaining days {{states.sensor.domain1_sensor.state}}" - alias: domain2_sensor_notify trigger: platform: time at: "10:00" condition: condition: numeric_state entity_id: sensor.domain2 below: 31 action: service: notify.email data_template: title: "domain2.com expiring" message: "Remaining days {{states.sensor.domain1_sensor.state}}"
I’d like to have a single automation that works for all whois sensors. I’m new to writing automations, so could anyone suggest how to do this?
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