@RWatterson wrote:
I have 2 Yi home cameras with the hack updates. A week or so one stopped showing the video feed in HA. I have reordered them and tweaked the config every way I can think of, it does not solve the problem. It seems to be a problem between stream and ffmpeg where the “patio” camera video is throwing log errors. The “garage” camera works fine. Even if I comment out the garage camera the patio camera video can not be viewed. The wird thing is they both work as ffmpeg binary sensors
Configuration.yaml info:
stream: ffmpeg: ffmpeg_bin: /usr/bin/ffmpeg camera: - platform: ffmpeg name: Patio input: 'rtsp://uname:pword@192.168.x.80:554/ch0_0.h264' extra_arguments: -pred 1 -q:v 2 - platform: ffmpeg name: Garage input: 'rtsp://uname:pword@192.168.x.23:554/ch0_0.h264' extra_arguments: -pred 1 -q:v 2
Error Log info:
Error demuxing stream: No dts in packet5:26:06 PM – Stream (ERROR)
Uncaught exception5:25:58 PM – components/stream/worker.py (ERROR)
'FFmpeg isn’t running!5:25:49 PM – components/ffmpeg/init.py (WARNING)
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