@helfm wrote:
Dear community,
I need your help.
I want to control in a script, depending on switches and input parameters, which blinds are moved to a certain position.Unfortunately no roller blind moves. In my example I have two roller blinds.
If I remove one of the services, it works.
Why? Is it only possible to define one service in a sequence using one template?Listed below, my example:
script_rollo_test: alias: Setzt definierte Rollos Test icon: "mdi:script-text-outline" description: 'Setzt definierte Rollos Test' fields: title: description: 'The title of the notification' example: 'State change' message: description: 'The message content' example: 'The light is on!' position: description: 'New position of cover' example: 30 orientation: description: 'geographic direction' example: 'all' sequence: # Benachrichtigung zur Kontrolle - service: notify.telegram data_template: title: "{{ title }}" message: "{{ message }} {{ orientation }} {{ position }}" # Rollo Osten Gästezimmer auf bestimmte Position stellen - service: cover.set_cover_position data_template: entity_id: > {% if is_state('input_boolean.automatisierung_gaestezimmer', 'on') and (orientation == 'all' or orientation == 'east' or orientation == 'gast') %} cover.rollo_gaestezimmer {% endif %} position: "{{ position }}" # Rollo Gästezimmer auf bestimmte Position stellen - service: cover.set_cover_position data_template: entity_id: > {% if is_state('input_boolean.automatisierung_schlafzimmer', 'on') and (orientation == 'all' or orientation == 'east' or orientation == 'schlafz') %} cover.rollo_schlafzimmer {% endif %} position: "{{ position }}"
I hope that someone can help me. I’m a little desperate right now.
BR Markus
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