@thomasvs wrote:
Hi everyone,
upgrading to 0.110, I get a complaint about base_url in the http component.
That option is deprecated, but it’s unclear what to actually do with the information that’s in there.
https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/http/ doesn’t mention anything about base_url, and there is nothing obvious to replace the information with.
https://developers.home-assistant.io/blog/2020/05/08/instance-url-helper mentions what changed from an internal perspective.
https://github.com/home-assistant/core/commit/2223592486179547f7429419a40e107db616562f#diff-579ab6a404463a7992f2626b9139dac2 is the commit that deprecates it, but I can’t tell from there what’s supposed to replace it. I see references to internal_url and external_url, but those are not values that can be set through the config.
I’m unclear as to what mechanism will make sure that my external URL the HA webserver is advertising will still be the same as what’s on the letsencrypt certificate. Does anyone know how to migrate that information?
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