@Makis wrote:
I have the following script
go_to_bed: alias: Goodnight icon: mdi:bed-empty sequence: - service: automation.trigger entity_id: - automation.set_alarm_at_night - service: light.turn_on data: entity_id: light.bedside_lamp - service: cover.close_cover data: entity_id: - cover.50758014840d8e91f4fd #window1 - delay: '00:00:40' - service: cover.close_cover data: entity_id: - cover.50758014840d8e91f036 #window - delay: '00:00:10' - service: cover.close_cover data: entity_id: - cover.50758014840d8e91eaa2 #bedroom - delay: '00:00:15' - service: cover.close_cover data: entity_id: - cover.50758014840d8e918632 #kid - delay: '00:00:02'
and I would like to add a condition to close each cover IF it’s state is “open” or “unknown”
something like thiscondition: condition: or conditions: - condition: state entity_id: cover.50758014840d8e918614 state: "unknown" - condition: state entity_id: cover.50758014840d8e918614 state: "open"
Will this work? Because if I understand right if one cover is closed (state “closed”) it will not continue to execute the rest of the script.
While executing a script you can add a condition to stop further execution. When a condition does not return true, the script will stop executing.
Is there an alternative way to add the condition?
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