@dopecoder wrote:
I have hassos setup via virtualbox on a windows machine. I have added addon mosquitto broker with default settings.
i have another MQTT client which is sending messages to mosquitto broker via topic=homeassistant/sensor/voltronic_Battery_voltage
When i go to Developer Tools -> MQTT -> Listen to a topic and type the above topic and start listening i can see all the messages (as below)
Message 111 received on homeassistant/sensor/voltronic_Battery_voltage at 9:00 PM:
QoS: 0 - Retain: false
/-------------------My problem is i am using this sensor in lovelace.yaml and it says on my Dashboard
Entity not available: sensor.voltronic_Battery_voltage
/------------Maybe i am missing a step. It seems like HA is not listening to the Mosquitto broker. Also i have not received any notification of this new sensor. any help appreciated. my skills are novice.
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